Sde Teman

Sde Teiman, Hamas, Attorney General
Opinion: Israel's Attorney General has lost the plot

As rockets rain down on our cities and our soldiers battle in the trenches of Gaza, a disturbing scene unfolds on home soil: masked military police storming a base to arrest our own defenders. This isn't just a misstep; it's a betrayal of our priorities and a dangerous distraction from the existential fight at hand.

Gila Isaacson | 30.07.24

Gallant, Ben Gvir, Sde Teiman

Gallant accuses: Ben Gvir sabotaged military security at Sde Teiman riots

| Gila Isaacson | 30.07.24

Beit Lid Base, Sde Teiman, protests

Another Failure: Protesters break into Beit Lid military base following Sde Teiman riots

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 29.07.24

Sde Teiman, terrorist, soldier arrest, alleged abuse

Revealed: Terrorist ‘Attacked’ by Soldiers Led a Rebellion and Assaulted Troops

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 29.07.24

Sde Teiman, soldiers arrested, investigation details

Arrest of Soldiers at Sde Teiman Field Base: New Details on the Investigation

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 29.07.24

IDF, Sde Teiman case, Military arrest, Halevi

Chief of Staff responds to Sde Teiman protests: "Serious Incident, Full Support for the Military Advocate General"

Eliana Fleming | 29.07.24

Sde Teman, Nukhba, IDF

Boiling point: Angry protesters breach fence of detention facility Sde Teman

Gila Isaacson | 29.07.24

Hamas, Nukhba, Israel Prison Service

Warning: Jailed Nukhba terrorists likely to riot at any moment

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 22.07.24